Scotland 2002

June 16th to June 17th, 2002

Fort William, Loch Ossian

Note:  Click on the picture to see a larger version.

After the exhausting (to me) climb up Ben Nevis, we decided to have an easy day the next day.  Ireland played Spain in the World Cup that afternoon and we wanted to catch the game on big screen at a pub.  We chose the Ben Nevis Pub and waited patiently (with other soccer fans - see picture below) until the restaurant opened for service - right at game time.


Fort William (Sunday, June 16th, 2002)


Soccer Fans cue up in front of Ben Nevis Pub to cheer on Ireland.  Unfortunately, Ireland's hope for World Cup title was squashed by a Spanish victory.


  Arriving at Corrour Station


Around Loch Ossian (Monday, June 17, 2002)


Back at Loch Ossian Youth Hostel after spending a delightful evening at a charming Fort William Bed and Breakfast.  After breakfast, we set out for a "hike".  We trudged through the muddy footpath before starting our ascend to Cairne Dearg (941 meters).  The wind at the top of this mountain was so strong that it was difficult to hold the camera steady.







Soon thereafter we crossed Mam Ban (maximum elevation of 730 meters) and climbed our second mountain of the day, Sgor Gaibhre (955 meters).  I chanted a personal mantra during this climb.  "Must keep going...must keep going...can't stop now...almost there...must keep going..."  Phew!

Spruce climbed one last mountain after this one while the rest of us started our walk back to Loch Ossian.  We trekked through Meall Nathrach Mur (400 to 850 meters) and after so much walking, finally arrived at the other side of Loch Ossian.  Then another 3.5 miles until we reach the hostel.  By then, my once clean pants (trousers to the British folks) was caked with mud and my hikng shoes, well, that was also a disaster.


Thanks to Graham for the above picture



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Last updated: May 23, 2007